Sunday, September 9, 2007

Next Door Neighbor

We thought we better introduce you to our next door neighbor before you arrive at the Bay City General Store Hotel or cabin. You might want to draw your curtains (what a quaint term -- draw your curtains, sure can't take everything literally with the English language) before you retire for the evening. It's our understanding he does have an eagle eye! We are always enchanted, not to mention awe-struck, when one of these soars over the river in front of our house. We practically wear binoculars around our necks here because you never know what you are going to see on the river. Like last year when we woke up to a huge flock of birds floating on the river in front of our house for as far as the eye could see -- PELICANS!! Lots of them and snow white! We thought we'd had a change in latitude during the night. They stayed with us for a couple of weeks and then moved on. Come see us and meet our neighbors!

1 comment:

Sandra Evertson said...

A Big WELCOME to Blogland!!
Sandra Evertson