Thursday, September 6, 2007

What are these gals smiling about?

What are these two gals smiling about? Well, for starters, they are smiling because they have taken up residence in the Bay City General Store on the banks of the Ohio River. Why does that make them smile you say? They are enjoying the slower pace, the peace and quiet and the nostalgia in the Bay City General Store makes everyone smile. ATTITUDES just melt at the door. Annnnnnnnd, they are smiling because it is raining in Bay City. At least I think it's rain. It has been so long since we have seen rain, but I'm pretty sure I'd still recognize it. Hope it settles in for the day........and so do these two gals. Although they are very content in the Bay City General Store they hope to one day very soon grace someone's glorious display of fall mums, gourds and pumpkins. Adoption papers for these two gals are available at the front counter in the Bay City General Store...stop by this weekend and let us put a smile on your face too.

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