Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Shhhhhhh...we better not disturb Johnny and Susie at the Stardust Drive-in Theater. But wait a minute, it doesn't look like they are even watching the movie.

That's the end of our little tour through Bay City. Looks like a great place to live and raise children, doesn't it? That's the one thing Talvin and I can agree on -- it is a great place to live. Next time you're in our neighborhood stop in the Bay City General Store -- the coffee is on us! Shoot, we might even throw in a Moon Pie if you say you met us in Cyber-space. Now this is where Talvin and I start to disagree -- he says there is no such place because if there was you could find it on the map. But like I told you before Talvin doesn't even have FM on his truck radio, so need I say more?
Thanks again for stopping by -- if you have a minute if you could leave us a comment maybe I can convince Talvin that there really is a place called Cyber-space. Merry Christmas!

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