Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just want to extend a special thank you to those of you who stopped by my blog yesterday during the Soul Journal Valentine's Day blog party. There was a question about why the two lovers who wrote the postcards were apart. Apparently they lived in two different towns a few miles apart, and in the 1900s even a few miles might as well have been a thousand. It also appears there may have been more than one suitor of Miss Mallye.........I'll have to let you know in another post. My real world beckons from the laundry room. But before we leave Miss Mallye's world, there is something I find very interesting about these postcards, besides the fact that they are not very private, they wrote on the fronts of the cards as well trying to squeeze in as much love and affection as possible. Why not just write a letter? Was the postage too dear? Would that have been improper to put one's thoughts into a letter that maybe a nosy Ma-Ma could not read? Guess I'll never know for sure but it sure is fun to speculate. Stay tuned for more adventures of Miss Mallye and her suitor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OOh I can't wait to hear more!