Saturday, February 7, 2009

Why is it always the middle of the night...

when I get my best ideas, or what seem like good ideas at the time? I woke up the other night thinking about having a "Crafternoon" at the Bay City General Store. I thought that was a very clever play on words, so clever in fact, I am wondering if I dreamed it or if I saw it somewhere else. Whichever it is I'm having one - a Crafternoon, that is. On Sunday, February 22nd from 1 pm to 5 pm. Hosted by the Bay City Babes Rescue Society - that's us up above. We "rescue Granny's silver, buttons and lace and make pretty things for you and your place." We're bringing out all the tools (or toys as some might suggest), all the supplies and goodies - buttons, lace, trim, ephemera, scissors, rubber stamps, papers, glues, punches..........if we don't have it, you don't need it. We're serving refreshments, having giveaways, door prizes, a free gift for everyone and for only $20. Sounds like a great way to combat cabin fever. See we're right in the middle of the worst ice storm to ever hit this part of the country in forever. Some people are still without power and water. So shake off the winter blues and come gab, munch and craft at the Bay City General Store.
Hope to see you there.

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