Friday, March 6, 2009

Best of Both Worlds

As I mentioned in a previous post, I like things with drawers but I failed to mention how much I love old postcards. So I'll say it here - I love old postcards! One of my favorite memories as a child is playing with a shoebox full of old postcards in my Granny's basement. Never knew what happened to those - in that same basement - old typewriters too! At a recent auction my husband discovered an old oak filing cabinet - a treasure enough by itself. A peek inside the top drawer of this old file cabinet revealed lots of old postcards - all of the drawers were filled with old postcards from all over the world dating back to the early 1900s. And someone had done the tedious work of cataloguing all of these postcards by country, city, state, and subject. Long story short - we came home with the filing cabinet and all of the postcards. I could not wait to dig into all of these treasures. This story does not have a happy some point in time the cabinet sat in some water and you know how well old paper holds up once it gets wet or damp. It doesn't and these were no exception. Someone's precious collection that took years to gather and months to organize is ruined. What a heartbreak! I'm a silver lining kind of person so I'm enjoying all of the cards found in the top drawer - they managed to escape the underwater tour.
Come see us!

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