Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I have a bad habit of hanging onto things for fear of ruining it when I try to be creative. This wooden chest for silverware was just such an example. I have had it forever. It didn't bother me to rip the insides out of it, although it was not as easy as I thought it would be. Didn't bother me to paint it with gesso. Then the creative process was ready to begin. And it sat, and sat and sat............then it came to me - a chest for art supplies! Then a theme of birds and nests began to emerge. I am really pleased with the way it turned out and now wonder what the heck took me so long. I lined the inside lid with cork, made an accordion folder out of a decorative folder and tacked it inside. Now I'm filling it with flotsam and jetsam from my art stash.

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