Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Disposable Society

I mentioned earlier how I find it sad to find someone's cherished memories being sold at an auction, flea market or yard sale. Didn't anyone in the family want to keep the memories? Is everyone gone? I have family pictures of people I have no clue as to who they are or where they are but they are mine and I am keeping them. I have my Aunt's 50 years of travel photos of people I don't even know and places I don't recognize but they are safely tucked away. And believe me I could use the space for something else but I just can't find it in my heart to dispose of them. That being said, my PIC (partner in crime) and I got lost on our way home from an estate sate and as luck would have it this unfortunate act led us right past a junk store. And when I say junk I really mean junk - piles of it still in boxes, trash bags, with no rhyme or reason to its' organization. Nothing doing but we dig right in and in the middle of all this chaos what do I find but this beautiful "Holy Bonds of Matrimony" certificate between Mr. Columbus R. Smith and Miss Josephine Porter dated May 4, 1874. There are other pages of the births of their children and the marriages of their children. I think these may be pages from an old family Bible. Of course being addicted to this kind of ephemera I knew it was going home with me I just didn't know what it was going to cost me - oh I'd have to charge you 50 cents for that the proprietor said. It now has a good home and I thought I would share with all of you. Anyone know a Columbus Smith?
There were other hidden treasures uncovered in this junk store but I'll save them for another post. I'll just say we filled my SUV for $21!!!!!

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